Tuesday, November 24, 2009

so... back tracking a little bit... since taiwan, we've gone on our fall tour, which took us from Minnesota to bits of Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Ontario Canada. it was waaaay fun and there were certainly good memories of those 3 weeks. here's a tidbit of what went through my mind.

after 23 years, i finally got to visit the niagara falls. totally cheese i know... such a typical tourist thing to do. but. this is what i thought while looking at one of the said wonders of the world. i heard from a few people that the amount of water that's dumped out by the falls can actually be controlled. craziness right? dunno if that's true or not... but the thing is, the niagara falls was created by a God who spoke the thing into existence. and He didn't just stop there... this little planet we call home, amongst the numerous stars, was also spoken into existence. God controls every little thing. and even though we chose to try and control our own lives and sinned against Him, God chose to show a love that still blows me away.

Denny looking out at the falls

Pretty exciting right?! after fall tour ended, we headed back to willmar to participate in 2 CTI projects... the winter calling drive and the CD recording project. here's a snapshot of what occurred in the studio.

guitar gear madness. my rig set up for live mic tracking.

Rachelle laying down scratch keys for a song. Yes, she's standing in a kitchen.

Denny and Dan laying down both drum and bass tracks for a song. I think it was Jars of Clay's "Two Hands"

teams 14:21 and 14:22 collaborated to record 5 songs per team (amongst other things like album art, theme, title, etc...) at studio 14 (aka Chris Reed's house). the album we recorded, titled "Stepping Forward" will be available for purchase sometime late January/February. exciting eh? =)

Recording was a pretty interesting experience. it was fun at times but definitely intense. although i didn't do any singing on this album, there are a number of different guitar tracks i had to lay down. playing in the studio requires every little bit to be perfect: no excess noise b/c the mic will pick it up, no tempo deviations, no mistakes, no nothing. and we definitely strived for that... searching hour after hour for that illusive "it" tone-wise, dealing with a different type of amp and all (fender deville). and at the end of the entire process, a couple of us got to hear a treat. turns out that a couple years ago, Jars of Clay had their pro-tools files for their song "dead man" available for download on the internet. so we got to hear how the pros do it. pretty cool. =)

so now i'm back home in orlando. so if y'all are in town, let's catch up! i'd definitely like to hear about all the great things God has been showing you and doing in your life!