Update time...
School has been fantastic! It's been a super busy semester but God is SOOOO good and I'm thankful for all the friends and professors who have walked beside me in my pursuit of an education.
A couple weeks ago, Gungor came to Southeastern! How awesome is that. Definitely had a fail moment too when I walked right past him, not realizing who it was.
Thinking back to it, I think it's real important to reflect on what happened. So many times, we're just so caught up in the hustle and bustle of life that we neglect to see people for who they are. My *first* interaction with Michael Gungor was non-existent. I was too wrapped up in something else. And by the time I realized who I had walked past, it was too late. So many times, that's how things are too, no? We walk past all of the people God has placed in our lives and we're so caught up in what we're doing... and we lose sight of all the opportunities that we have to share life with them. I want to encourage you to remember that God has placed all of those opportunities there for a reason and challenge you to take them.
In other news, I'm going back to CTI this summer! Below is a copy of my support letter... but if you would like a hard copy, feel free to let me know. I'd be more than happy to give you one. =)
This process is definitely stretching me because the practical side of me is saying that there is no human way possible to raise all of the support in time. But our God is a big and mighty God and no amount of human rationale is going to explain how He moves.