Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Some MAAAAJOR changes have come up.
So, I am no longer in Toronto. Le sigh. I have moved back to Orlando and, for the time being, am waiting to start school back up at Southeastern in the upcoming spring semester.
It's amazing what change a 2-sentence e-mail can bring about. A couple weeks ago, I was sleeping one night and something felt off. I had no clue why and figured it was just me getting adjusted to the food or water or something. But I couldn't shake the feeling so I woke up and checked my e-mail. And there it was. 2 sentences that changed the course of something I had been anticipating and planning for. When I read about the unfortunate (and severe) circumstance surrounding my financial aid status (and student status), I was freaking out pretty badly. I think one of the biggest things for me was the fact that if I ended up moving back home, I would have wasted a semester. Since university in Canada started in September, there was no way for me to last-minute enroll in classes at SEU. I was struggling pretty hard to come to grips with this.
Even though all I've been through wasn't a waste of time, I still hear that it is from time to time. I was actually thinking about this while eating dinner with some friends before I left TO. I'm 25, and in the last 7 or so years, I've attended 4 post-secondary institutions (UCF, Le Cordon Bleu, Southeastern, York) with a broad range of majors (psychology and military science, culinary arts, education, history), worked in the professional world, went on full-time missions for a year around the world. And yet, still living at home and pursuing a degree that I can "use". The world would look at my situation and say, "Hey. This guy had so many opportunities to use what he had and should have a steady job and be close to starting a family by now. What a waste."
But. Things are looking up. I think. Much like my previous post, I'm looking for the opportunities that God presents in the midst of this difficult time. And I think it's selfish of me to wave all my "dashed hopes and plans" at God and say, "what the junks?!" because God isn't this bully who sits back and has a good chuckle at our expense.
I have no idea why God brought me up to TO for the short time I was there. And I have no idea what God has planned for me here in Orlando for now.
But I know that it's gonna be life-changing and it's gonna be pretty awesome to see God do His thaaaaaaang through it all.
Hope this encourages all y'all, much like my friends encouraged me with reminders of these truths. thank you all y'all. you know who you are. =)
Much love.
Monday, September 5, 2011
i am in TORONTO! yayyyyy. =)
i haven't had a lot of time to just sit down and reflect, process, and write down these last few months.
here goes.
so. this summer has been eventful, and yet, not. it's been a summer of opportunities.
i was honestly not looking forward to this summer. i had planned on going on another tour with CTI but due to the severe lack of funds, i had to defer. so, with this huge 1.5 month gap in my summer schedule, i was trying to get used to the fact that i would basically waste a significant portion of my time before the big move.
and yet.
God presented an incredible opportunity for me to do music ministry. far greater than i think my time with CTI this summer would have been.
since moving to orlando, i think one of the toughest things for me was to feel like i was a part of the church i was attending. don't get me wrong. i love my church family. it's just. when a group of people grow up together, they're gonna have a much easier time to relate to one another than with someone. let's say. who starts sharing life with them a good portion of time later (me). when i first started to attend church, i felt like i couldn't connect with many people. i was either too young (for the young adult crowd) or too old (for the high schoolers). i didn't know anyone. over the years, i have grown close to a lot of people. but. even with serving on the worship team and serving the youth, i felt like (probably because of my personality) i couldn't click with them. and being away for a year to serve with CTI was a year where i simply didn't have the ability to have face time with everyone.
and yet.
God had presented an opportunity for me to connect with the youth and a handful of university students through organizing and participating in raising up the next generation of worship leaders in our church.
i have to admit, i had my reservations and doubts. "what if the 'trainer/learner' relationship between the youth students makes it even harder to connect with youth?" "will my struggle with pursuing musical perfection to an obscene level cause the music trainers to get sick of me?" these were some things that ran through my mind.
but. as the training sessions went on, those fears were all for naught.
I've noticed more and more this theme of opportunities.
I think a lot of times, all I see are the obstacles or problems when I could be seeing all the opportunities that God has placed beyond those "obstacles".
Help me Lord.
Hope y'all are doing fantastic!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
So Sunday was a real shocker. When I heard that President Obama was going to make an announcement, I figured that it would have something to do with the war on terror or extraterrestrials. Just kidding on the second part (although that would have been AWESOME.)
So when I heard about what happened and started to watch my facebook newsfeed explode with comments, I couldn't believe what I was reading.
People who were status updating earlier that day about how blessed they were at church were now writing comments like, "I hope Osama burns in hell".
It's sad that people can't understand that Osama bin Laden is as much of a sinner and in need of God's love as everyone else.
Am I saying that 9/11 was OK? No. Heck no. Was it wrong? Yes.
But. Is it right to wish someone to an eternity in hell? No.
Bin Laden was a terrorist. No doubt about it. He was a religious fanatic who saw the message that the west was spreading and wanted to murder those who spread that type of lifestyle. I read a story about another terrorist though.
"A while back, there was a bearded religious extremist; a Middle Eastern terrorist who felt compelled by God to exterminate the infidels who were offending God with their ideas and beliefs. He grew up in the robes of privilege and attended one of the most prestigious educational institutes in all of the Middle East. At some point he was probably indoctrinated in some way to think that the way to deal with those who had different religious beliefs than he did was to organize and lead a campaign that would exterminate them. He went from city to city; all the while drumming up support and executing his divinely sanctioned orders. His influence was growing, he was making his point. God was pleased. Terrorism was winning.
On one most famous occasion that they still talk about, he bravely stood watch and supervised the brutal murdering of one of the more prominent infidels that had been spreading the word about some new religious ideas. When the stoning was over, him and his friends gathered outside the governor’s residence and danced the night away. They pressed up to the gate and sung songs of patriotism and religion (sometimes they couldn’t tell the difference). The children gathered around too and took mental videos and mental pictures and the local reporters stood around and recalled how this occasion would be remembered forever. A young student in his early twenties thanked God for the events of the day and even quoted a Bible verse. The veteran reporter among them guessed that such a bold and courageous and swift action of justice would bring peace and unity to those whom the new religion has uncomfortably stirred. One seventeen year old boy said to his younger sister, “sister, you will always remember where you were when this happened.” And she always did.
Not too long after, on another mission to exterminate the religious filth that resided in a neighboring city to the northeast, the religious extremist, the Middle Eastern terrorist, was following his divine orders when suddenly, while passing a large compound in the desert mountains with his family, met someone extraordinary. He was never the same after he met this person. Realizing that he had been wrong about the whole terrorism thing all along, he was sad and scared. He fell on his face and cried heavy tears of sorrow and shame and guilt. Him and his family laid down in the traditional posture of execution; waiting for the man to swing some sword to punish them for all of their wrongs, all of their murders, all of their tortures, all of their flag burning and song singing and evil. But the man did not kill the Arab terrorist. He did not even send a contact to seek him out later. In fact, the man made the terrorist the leader of his own movement of love, forgiveness, peace, and reconciliation. The terrorist followed this man the rest of his life and wrote about him all the time as well. He piled up a lot of letters and speeches and today they make up most of what people call the New Testament.
The bearded religious extremist talked about meeting God that day. A God who shook things up and showed the Earth the way things actually are. A God who talked about loving enemies. A God whose does not kill bearded terrorists, but rather changes and transforms them through scandalous love and grace. A God with a different view of justice than simply getting “even.” A God who does not dance when humans die and a God who does not “bless” those who do. A God who announces that everyone is ugly and that everyone is beautiful and that no one, not even bearded Middle Eastern terrorists, are beyond redemption."
Pretty powerful stuff eh?
Hope you're doing fantastic! Let's love those who we find unlovable, much like Christ did for us.
Hey guys.
So I was not able to raise enough funds in time to secure my spot as a CTI team member this summer so I will be continuing to raise funds in order to go as a team member in 2012.
As much as I wanted to go back and serve with CTI this summer, I know that God has a plan for it all and so I'm excited to see what God's gonna do as this all unfolds.
Continue to pray for me, the 5 teams that will be going out this year, and prayerfully consider supporting me for next year. Thanks!
Love y'all.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Tornado warnings and the work of God?
It's been a busy last couple weeks as I've officially started support raising for my trip with CTI Music Ministries this upcoming summer. It's been a strange mix of feeling out of control and yet OK with it as I know God has it covered.
I just wanted to share a story about something that happened last week.
So during one of my observation days at one of the local High Schools, we were abruptly interrupted by a tornado warning. As you can imagine, a hallway full of 9th graders with teachers who needed the day to get through materials for FCAT testing during a tornado warning, is not a fun place to be. Being the "go-getter" I am, I saw that the teachers could not control the 100 or so students in the hallway so I decided to take control of the situation and got them all quiet and seated.
As I was walking up and down the hallway, making sure the students were doing OK, not freaking out too much, one of the students said something that made me think. They said, "I know the tornado is pretty close to here... Are we going to die? If so, how come none of the teachers are sitting down with us?"
Without thinking, I replied, "Right now, our main concern is to make sure that all you guys are safe and well taken care of. As long as we have that in mind as the most important thing, we're not concerned about what situation we're in."
The student understood and I walked off. Then it hit me...
It made me think of the first missionaries to Africa. I remember a sermon my pastor gave a while back and he said something along the lines of, "Why is it that [they] packed up all their belongings in a coffin and sailed off? It's because they went with an understanding that they will be doing the work of God until the day they die." It got me thinking... do we approach the work of advancing the Gospel the same way?
I want to challenge all you readers (however few or many there might be) to live life in this way. Be bold for the sake of the Gospel. You never know who you might be influencing.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Update time...
School has been fantastic! It's been a super busy semester but God is SOOOO good and I'm thankful for all the friends and professors who have walked beside me in my pursuit of an education.
A couple weeks ago, Gungor came to Southeastern! How awesome is that. Definitely had a fail moment too when I walked right past him, not realizing who it was.
Thinking back to it, I think it's real important to reflect on what happened. So many times, we're just so caught up in the hustle and bustle of life that we neglect to see people for who they are. My *first* interaction with Michael Gungor was non-existent. I was too wrapped up in something else. And by the time I realized who I had walked past, it was too late. So many times, that's how things are too, no? We walk past all of the people God has placed in our lives and we're so caught up in what we're doing... and we lose sight of all the opportunities that we have to share life with them. I want to encourage you to remember that God has placed all of those opportunities there for a reason and challenge you to take them.
In other news, I'm going back to CTI this summer! Below is a copy of my support letter... but if you would like a hard copy, feel free to let me know. I'd be more than happy to give you one. =)
This process is definitely stretching me because the practical side of me is saying that there is no human way possible to raise all of the support in time. But our God is a big and mighty God and no amount of human rationale is going to explain how He moves.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
So what else is new? I'm thinking of studying in Toronto for a year! Things are still coming together and there is a whole lot of things that need to go right in order for it to happen. Each and every day though, it's become more and more of a reality. I think this whole thing has reminded me of something. And it's challenging me daily.
There's a song by Jon Foreman titled "Your Love Is Strong" and the first line of the song just jacked me up.
Heavenly Father, you always amaze me
Let your kingdom come in my world and in my life
Give me the food I need to live through today
And forgive me as I forgive the people that wrong me
Lead me far from temptation
Deliver me from the evil one
I look out the window the birds are composing
Not a note is out of tune or out of place
I walk to the meadow and stare at the flowers
Better dressed than any girl on her wedding day
So why do I worry?
Why do I freak out?
God knows what I need
You know what I need
Your love is
Your love is
Your love is strong
Your love is
Your love is
Your love is strong
Your love is
Your love is
Your love is strong
The kingdom of the heavens is now advancing
Invade my heart, invade this broken town
The kingdom of the Heavens is buried treasure
Would you sell yourself to buy the one you've found?
Two things you told me
That you are strong
And you love me
Yes, you love me
Your love is
Your love is
Your love is strong
Your love is
Your love is
Your love is strong
Your love is
Your love is
Your love is strong
Your love is
Your love is
Your love is strong
Our God in Heaven
Hallowed be thy name
Above all names
Your kingdom come
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven
Give us today our daily bread
Forgive us weary sinners
Keep us far away from our vices
And deliver us from these prisons
It got me thinking of this studying abroad business. I think to all those times where I'm sitting there, waiting for a meeting with important school higher-up people, going, "Oh man... what if this doesn't work?" and then when everything does work, I always go, "WOW. Praise the Lord. This is awesome."
Yes, I realize that nothing is finalized and who knows... it might not even work out in the end. But it really got me thinking of the moments where everything does work out and it's fine and dandy.
Why is it only during those times that I'm just speechless about what the Lord just did? Why am I so quick to forget of all the other times where the Lord amazes me?
I think it's because so many times, we (I) have become so calloused to seeing the Lord moving in each and every facet of life. And we've become so used to glossing over it all. "Oh we're breathing? another day? meh." Or we've become so used to looking at the problems in our lives that we forget that He is moving in ways that if we were to just stop and think about, it WOULD amaze us.
There was a sermon I listened to a little while back where my pastor said, "the problem is that we glance at God, then proceed to gaze at the problem." Is our callousness or even our lack of belief in the fact that the Lord moves in mighty ways preventing us from seeking Him and being aware of all the ways that He can amaze us?
I challenge everyone (including myself)... pray to be more aware of the Spirit and continually seek after the Lord. That way, when we can see Him move, it'll not only always amaze us... but I think it just makes God (at least in our finite, small minds) to be that much greater.